Let's build a better world together

“This Qur’an does indeed show the straightest way. It gives the faithful who do right the good news that they will have a great reward.”
(Al-Israa, 17:9)

Make a difference today

Sanitary Products
Providing sustainable, reusable sanitary towels to university students in Ethiopia.
Ramadan Projects
Providing iftaar meals, distributing Qurans, Qaidahs, wudhu jugs, and dates (tamr).
Fitrana (Sadaqatul-
Zakat al-Fitr, at a rate of £6.50 per person, your donation will provide a nutritious meal for someone who is living in poverty.
Eid Ul Adha Qurbani (Animal Sacrifice)
Follow in the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (as), who was ready to sacrifice what was most dear to him upon Allah’s command.
Supporting IDPs
Our partner, Taye Worku works tireless supporting Internally Displaced Persons. The majority of these are women and children at risk of abuse of their basic rights
Mosque and
Madrassa Projects
Providing Qurans, study materials, wushu jugs, furnishings and renovating buildings and facilities.
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“The best of humans are those who are
most beneficial to others.”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Water Projects
Funding water drilling projects to provide communities with free access to safe, clean drinking water
Food Distribution
Providing hot cooked meals to those most in need
School projects
Providing IT facilities, WiFi, uniform, books and stationery to school children from the poorest backgrounds.
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Education Projects
Sponsor a child through their educational journey and receive regular updates on their progress.
Widows and
Vulnerable Women
Support women who have been victims of abuse or who have been widowed through rehabilitation and reintegration projects.
Build morale, loyalty, and engagement by supporting our hard-working volunteers who constantly give back to the community.

Contact us